Batman: The Brave and the Bold #3
President Batman
Written by: Matt Wayne
Art by: Andy Suriano
Inks by: Dan Davis
Letters by: Swands
Colors by: Heroic Age
I was sad to see “The Legion Superheroes” cartoon go off the air in favor of “Batman: Brave and the Bold,” but all tears aside this new incarnation of the character is frankly, a lot of fun. I always smile and I always laugh when I watch the show. So, I couldn’t resist buying an issue of the comic that bears its name. It’s President Batman, what’s not to love?
The story is fairly straight forward, with no real surprises, as Batman pretends to be the president in order to find out who is trying to kidnap the leader of the free world. He brings Green Arrow along for the ride and the two discover the nefarious Ultra-Humanite, before he becomes an ape, is behind the dastardly scheme. Punches are thrown and the good guys win, all with a little tongue and cheek. I particularly enjoyed the scene when Batman as the president beats up members of congress who are fighting on the House floor. It’s so over the top, not to mention rewarding, seeing politicians eat a knuckle sandwich.
Matt Wayne captures the spirit of the show right from the first page. He’s well versed though, having written an episode himself along with several other DC cartoons and their related comics. His name should be familiar to many. Green Arrow is sadly never that interesting on the show and he doesn’t have much to do here either. I’m not sure who I would have preferred, but I wish they’d given a real D-list hero a chance since Batman is the main draw regardless of who he’s paired with.
The art is pretty much on model with the style of the show. The colors are bright and everything is fairly typical of cartoon based comics. On a side note part of me enjoys the cheaper quality paper that the comic is printed on. It reminds of simpler days when comics didn’t cost four dollars.